/ Tutors / Julia Malinovska
Tutor PRO Julia Malinovska
Julia Malinovska
from 25 USD /45 min
(4 reviews)
Subject: Elementary mathematics, Algebra, Geometry
Specialization: Adaptation to the American / Canadian program, SAT preparation, Algebra II, Pre-calculus , Algebra I, Foundations of Mathematics, General/Basic math, College Algebra, Calculus, Apprenticeship Mathematics
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Work experience: 10 years
Lessons conducted: 254
Classes: 1th grade, 2th grade, 3th grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 13th grade
Tutor Resume
Package offers
Tutor Calendar
Reviews (4)

About myself:

Hello! My name is Julia, and with 9 years of experience and over 6000 classes taught, I'm here to help you conquer math. I have completed 13 specialized courses and my graduates are studying in 11 different countries around the world. Why Choose My Math Tutoring? - Tailored Lessons - Diverse Programs - Multilingual Instruction - Comprehensive Support - Global Experience - Online Resources Let's make math easier and more enjoyable together!


Elementary mathematics:

  • Adaptation to the American / Canadian program
  • General/Basic math
  • Adaptation to the American / Canadian program
  • Calculus
  • Apprenticeship Mathematics
  • Pre-calculus
  • General/Basic math
  • SAT preparation
  • Foundations of Mathematics


  • SAT preparation
  • Algebra II
  • Pre-calculus
  • Algebra I
  • Foundations of Mathematics
  • SAT preparation
  • Algebra II
  • Algebra I
  • Pre-calculus
  • College Algebra
  • Calculus
  • Apprenticeship Mathematics


  • SAT preparation
  • Foundations of Mathematics
  • Apprenticeship Mathematics
  • SAT preparation
  • Calculus
  • Foundations of Mathematics

Work experience:

Private school "New school"

Репетитор средней школы

September 2018 - 02.2019

Private lessons in mathematics


September 2014 - Present

Private school "Gymnasium A +" Kiev


September 2020 - Present


Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

2022 - 2023


Specialization: Psychologist

Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after Grigory Skovoroda

2020 - 2021


Specialization: Mathematics and Computer Science Teacher

Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Management NUKhT

2018 - 2020


Specialization: Finance, banking and insurance

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Physics

2014 - 2018


Specialization: Photonics

Choose a convenient package of classes and study regularly
8 classes
$ 50 /hour
$ 400
24 classes savings 120 USD
$ 45 /hour
$ 1080
36 classes savings 270 USD
$ 43 /hour
$ 1530
26 March-1 April
Линків Владислав
Знайшла підхід до сина, хоча я навіть не очікував, тому що син довго не тримає увагу і не любить математику. Хоча, він зараз і додаткові завдання виконує, і на математику з задоволенням приходить. Думаю, його інтузіазм не надовго, але дякую Юлі і за це.
Міша Донцов
Юля перший рік займається з дітьми тут. Але це не означає, що погано викладає і пояснює. Мій син задоволений і я теж!
Романченко Світлана
Разом готуємося до ЗНО! Юлія дає класні матеріали і я впевнена, що складу ЗНО добре і вступлю в вуз який я хочу!
Дмитренко Тетяна
Дуже професійна, дуже структуровано підходить до навчання. Ціна відповідає якості
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Tutor PRO Julia Malinovska
Julia Malinovska
from: 25 USD/45 min
Subject: Elementary mathematics, Algebra, Geometry
Specialization: Adaptation to the American / Canadian program, SAT preparation, Algebra II, Pre-calculus , Algebra I, Foundations of Mathematics, General/Basic math, College Algebra, Calculus, Apprenticeship Mathematics
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Classes: 1th grade, 2th grade, 3th grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 13th grade